Former Mayor and current Benalla Rural City councillor Don Firth has decided to stand for council again.
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The Ensign caught up with Don this week.
Why did you decide to re run?
The current council has achieved so much more than I expected when first elected, given the hangover issues, such as the Landfill cell construction and Benalla airport redevelopment.
It was an honour to be part of a united council that concentrated on what needed to be done and a determination to stick to the council plan we agreed on at the outset.
We proved what potential this community has to offer and I believe the next four years will see some of that potential delivered and look forward to possibly being part of the council that delivers it.
What has been the highlight for you?
I have to admit, picking a single highlight is a difficult question, there’s been a few, but when I first realised I was part of a council with broad-based representation of the community and no single-issue groups, I knew we had a shot at achieving some really good outcomes.
I think that was the highlight and would like to take this opportunity to thank Scott and Barb for being a big part of that council.
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What has been the biggest challenge?
For me the biggest challenge of this council and I think any council is getting the balance right.
You will never please everyone, the best you can hope for is to upset as few as possible.
It’s no good having great roads and footpaths and forgetting the arts and entertainment or concentrating on sporting facilities and letting the rubbish collection fall behind.
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If re-elected what are your plans for the next four years.
If re-elected to council I will continue to focus on the things I know must be concentrated on.
The Visitor Information Centre redevelopment project is in the planning stages and will compliment the new splash park.
These projects when finished will be a great boost for the whole of Benalla.
However, back to my point about balance, l have already moved to have an allowance put in next year's budget for plans to improve the gutter system in our CBD.
It will be a challenge given restrictions placed on us by Heritage Victoria. but one I’m determined to win.
Drainage is a huge issue in Benalla.
Having a flat track to walk or ride on is great, but it’s no good for drainage.
I intend to make the maintenance and upgrade of our entire drainage system a priority for my third term.
The Indoor Recreation Centre redevelopment project is one that I have been in favour of since my term on council in 2008-2012 and is one that deserves all the support we can give it.
Our landfill has seen great improvements over the last four years, mainly due to some great work by our engineering staff and will see the addition of a transfer station this financial year.
However, we still have a legacy of rehabilitation works that must be done before the landfill can finally become the asset it should be.
Community Aged Care will see huge changes in how it will be delivered and who will deliver it in 2022, it will be a priority for the next council to make sure we help deliver the best possible outcome for our community.
Do you have anything to add?
I would just like to say thanks to the residents of Benalla for giving me the opportunity to be on council in the first place and thank the staff and other councillors that served with me for making it enjoyable.
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