Murray Primary Health Network (PHN) reviews regional health data annually, to help guide its funding decisions to support and improve the primary health system.
Every three years, Murray PHN conducts a major Health Needs Assessment with expert health data analyses supported by community consultation to provide a complete picture of local needs.
Population health figures show that the Benalla region has higher than the state average rates of alcohol and other drug use, as well as people living with mental health and respiratory conditions – resulting in preventable hospital stays.
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Benalla also rates high on the index of relative socio-economic disadvantage, which is based on factors such as unemployment, low income or education levels and lack of internet access.
All of these can be barriers to people accessing the care they need.
Murray PHN chief executive Matt Jones says that while data analysis offers strong insights, it is local experience that provides deeper understanding, context and perspectives to the figures.
“People who use and work in local health services are best placed to share what is or isn’t working well,” Mr Jones said.
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“We want to hear about the things that make accessing services difficult, as well as any ideas for improvement.
“The more people who participate and tell us what is important to them, their families and community, the more meaningful our planning will be.
“Having a comprehensive view of health helps us work towards making the local primary health care system as effective, efficient and equitable as possible.”
An online conversation for community members will take place from 2 pm-3 pm on Wednesday, July 21, while health professionals can attend on Friday, July 23 from 1 pm-2 pm.
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For full details, including an opportunity to complete a survey, visit
The Murray PHN Health Needs Assessment is also shared with local organisations, including Benalla Rural City Council.
Similarly, Benalla Rural City Council shares its health and wellbeing plans with Murray PHN.
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