Set in a male-dominated 1970s workplace, audiences will be barracking for characters Violet, Doralee and Judy as they face off against their sexist, egotistical, oppressive boss.
The show will be filled with powerful songs, hilarious scenes and huge fun.
On Wednesday, January 29, an information night will be held at Hut 64, Hangar Lane at 7pm, where people can find out about the audition process and more about the show itself.
Benalla Theatre Company is also looking for people who want to help in a backstage capacity, with set building and painting, props, costumes, publicity and more.
You can find out more at the information night mentioned above.
Auditions will be held on Sunday, February 2, and Monday, February 3.
There is an abundance of roles for both male and female characters, as well as a dancing and singing ensemble.
Those wanting to audition will need to be 15 years or older to be involved.
9 to 5 The Musical will be performed at the Town Hall from June 27 to July 5.
Contact Emily on 0400 639 536 to find out more or book an audition spot, and visit Benalla Theatre Company’s website to see the Audition Pack.