CWA Moira group president Jan James said the request came from women who were working or unable to attend the daytime meetings of the current Benalla CWA, which meets on the second Friday of each month.
“An information evening will be held on Monday, March 31 at 7pm in the CWA hall, Bridge St , Benalla, with the state membership chair, Gwen White in attendance to explain what CWA offers members and answer questions,” Ms James said.
“The CWA slogan of care, empower, contribute sums up what we as members strive to do, but these earnest words leave out the friendship, fun and fulfilment that being part of a CWA branch brings.”
“CWA provides a sense of belonging, personal development, satisfaction of supporting our local community and advocates on behalf of our communities.
“The CWA has a country of study each year, which is Sri Lanka for 2025 and the product of study is industrial hemp.”
There are various state subcommittees including creative arts, social issues, international and community support, agriculture/environment, and communications that provide members with the opportunity to share their expertise and keep fellow members informed on the different topics.
“Our theme this year is sharing knowledge for a secure and sustainable future.”
All ages and women from all walks of life are invited to attend.
CWA is made up of women with different talents, some can bake, some enjoy craft, some advocate for change while always remaining relevant.
“We hope to see as many as possible come and hear first-hand the work of CWA in our local communities,” Ms James said.