Grahamvale Primary School students broadcasted live from the X Factor stage and the late 1980s for their school concert at Eastbank last night.
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The concert was divided into two parts, with prep to year two students performing at 6.30pm and students from years three to six taking centre stage at 7.45pm.
The News attended a rehearsal on Thursday morning last week to see the students hard at work.
Teacher Michael O’Riley said the foundation to year two play was titled The Yes Factor.
“It’s a take on the TV show X Factor and the students perform a selection of songs to a group of judges,” Mr O’Riley said.
“They have really worked together to perform the best show they can and surprise the audience with their winning twist.”
The years three to six students produced a school radio show called GPSFM.
“The show takes place New Year's Eve 1989, so they get to 'relive' the 80s with our hosts Fritzy and Higga, whose names are a take on our school principal and vice principal,” Mr O’Riley said.
“Different people call in to win prizes and we flash back to local ads from the 80s.”
Mr O’Riley said the work the students have put in all term has been “astronomical”.