Ready to roll: L2P mentors and mentees celebrate their new car with representatives of Benalla Toyota, TAC, Winton Motor Raceway, the Benalla Auto Club and Benalla Rural City Councillors.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Benalla’s L2P program has been presented with a brand new car after the previous one clocked up more than 185,000km.
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That is equivalent to almost four and a half times around the world.
L2P steering committee chair Rick Arnott introduced proceedings and welcomed Benalla Mayor Bernie Hearn to say a few words.
“I’m truly delighted as mayor of this beautiful city to be asked to come here today and speak,” Cr Hearn said.
“Thank you so much to the sponsors for being here and for what you do for this program.”
Those sponsors are Benalla Toyota, Winton Motor Raceway and the Benalla Auto Club.
Important accessory: Once unveiled a new L plate was attached to the L2P car.
“I’d also like to welcome our guests, representatives form the Department of Transport the L2P steering committee and our mentor and mentees,” Cr Hearn said.
“The L2P program is a valuable support to our community
“What an extraordinary contribution our mentors give to this program.
“I’ve heard so many stories from so many mentors that the kids actually open up to you, and love doing what they do with you, and I think that’s fantastic.
“Having a licence for a young person is a major independence it helps with education, employment, training and socialising.
“It is life changing, and to be able to give this assistance to these kids is fantastic.
Eye catching: The new hybrid Corolla is adorned with logos of all sponsors involved in the L2P program.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
“I’d also like to mention the significant contribution by Benalla Toyota with the three vehicles they have supplied.
“And I’d like to acknowledge the invaluable support provided by Benalla Auto Club and Winton Motor Raceway.
“This car is also adding to our sustainable future as it’s a new hybrid car, which will continue to help our young people in getting their P plates.”