Late last year, the Campaspe Valley Miniature Railway team decided it was time the road crossing nearest the mini-railway station at Rotary Park needed to be upgraded,
After four working bees, it is finally complete.
Over the years the crossing had a constant stream of traffic, including four-wheel drives, RVs and caravans driving over the tracks in all kinds of weather.
When accompanied by the winter slush, the traffic has pummelled the tracks into the roadway, and when dry in summer, the ground is like concrete and the dirt needs to be loosened from around the rails to operate the train.
The new rails sit 15mm above the concrete, making for easier cleaning.
Echuca Moama Rotary Club volunteers excavated the old rails and concreted, and the Campaspe Valley Miniature Railway volunteers fabricated the new 8m road crossing section, installed and ballasted new track work and realigned the tracks leading up to and away from the new crossing.