At the start of this school year, none of us had even considered the possibility of a term of remote, off-site, learning for Victorian students.
Term one followed the usual pattern and although it was a short term, we were prepared.
We hosted our annual dux assembly and luncheon, had our Year 6 transition day, with more than 100 primary school students, held our swimming carnival along with year-level camps and various excursions.
In the last week of term one, we were told to prepare for the likelihood of remote learning, so staff received training in Google Classrooms, creating forums and running video conferencing with their classes.
Family ties four generations at Cooinda
They also planned and modified work programs for the possibility of remote learning, something none of us had any real knowledge, or experience of.
As one colleague said, it was like preparing for a mission to Mars.
From the first day of second term, our school community embraced the challenge and stepped-up to this new way of learning.
It has not always been easy and there have been some hiccups along the way, but we can honestly say, that all of us have learned something new.
Evidence of this streamed-in from staff and students.
Roland’s remote control aircraft – a model activity
It was so uplifting to see the pride students were taking in their achievements as they posted pictures for their teachers to see.
Our staff have been busy and creative, students have been engaged and flexible and our parents have been positive and supportive.
We also agree that we have learnt so much about our school and about what matters most.
Our positive education program has risen to the challenge and we have put into action the themes of resilience, kindness and patience, practising these attributes each day.
Moreover, now that life and learning is returning to normal we are bringing everything we have achieved in the remote learning space back with us, being richer and better students and people for the experience.
● For more information, go to or phone 5762 1222.