Luckily each time it has been targeted only the alarmed box that houses it has needed to be repaired.
Which, given that the defibrillator itself costs in excess of $2000, is fortunate indeed.
Benalla Lions Club member Lester Watt, who was instrumental in the defibrillator’s installation, said the offenders were mainly kids, who probably did not know how important it was.
“We’ve looked at the CCTV,” Mr Watt said.
“And those clips have been forwarded to police.
“It is mainly kids, who we don’t want to shame. However, we would appreciate if local parents and schools can educate the young ones about how important it is.”
Which is a fair point, as the life it saves could be their parents, grandparents, or even their own.
“One of the attacks looks like it was an adult, which is sad. They should know better,” Mr Watt said.
"Each time it has been damaged, luckily, it has only cost around $15 for a new plastic cover and some screws.
“But we are concerned that if the unit itself is damaged, not only will it cost more than $2000 to replace — it might not be there to save a life, when it is needed.”