Local business owner and Benalla Rural City Councillor Peter Davis has thrown his hat back into the ring for this month's election.
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The Ensign caught up with Peter this week.
Why did you decide to run?
This was an easy decision to make.
I still believe that with my experience and passion I can continue with the projects that have begun, nothing is ever finished; it can be a start to something better.
I still have a lot to offer to the community.
The current councillors have worked as a well-oiled team; continuity in these uncertain times is something to value.
We have been focusing in on two outstanding difficult issues that needed addressing.
These were the short falls in the landfill operations and the airport redevelopment program.
The landfill project will not be a short-term fix.
What is the highlight for you?
The most significant highlight has been the appointment of our new CEO, Dom Testoni.
Dom’s leadership skills in supporting councillors, staff and the community will be a long-term benefit for Benalla.
I have really enjoyed working with Dom and look forward to continuing our work together.
Other highlights are the continued resilience of our volunteers - whether it be in Benalla or in our rural townships - it does not go without notice the time and effort that is contributed.
How would our rural city manage without our volunteers?
Devenish and Goorambat Townships, the implementation of Silo Art Trail.
This has been a great tourist attraction, and moral boost for the local communities.
Government funding has allowed us to construct projects that we otherwise would not be able to afford, such as:
● The Arundel St Junior Sport change rooms and kiosk;
● The Raise the Roof Complex;
● The Splash Park;
● Drought funding, which will benefit the rural communities; and
●The purchase of our own street sweeper is keeping the town tidy
Other capital equipment purchases includes: of a back hoe, grader and soon to arrive a jet patcher, these purchases add up to about $1.2 million; the planning approval of several large housing developments; and planning approval for solar farms, two of which are in the construction phase now.
With Benalla’s job prospects and facilities we are becoming a sought-after area to live and work in.
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What has been the biggest challenge?
The biggest challenge has been meeting the needs of the community.
These are varied and important to each and everyone.
I would like to cater for all age groups, as each has a valid need for community services and facilities.
One area in particular is the facilities that Benalla has to offer, which are considerable.
These facilities require ongoing maintenance, which is ongoing funding.
Some of these include our sporting facilities, aquatic centre, community halls, parks and gardens, and the art gallery.
It is important to keep these facilities up to date and user friendly for everyone.
Future challenge is going to be Benalla’s growth.
New subdivisions being approved brings new footpaths, bike tracks, drainage and update of roads.
And we have an obligation to maintain and improve existing footpath and road infrastructure as well as the CBD.
(Another) ongoing challenge is to help maintain existing small business and to entice business growth to our town.
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If re-elected what are your plans for the next four years?
● To continue to work with the new council as a team for the benefit of Benalla;
● Continuation of the projects we have in place. It would be great to see them through to completion;
● Lakeside Revitalisation Project;
● Refurbishment of the aquatic centre;
● Denny St Car Park surface resealing;
● Construction of the landfill transfer station and the installation of a weighbridge;
● Continue with our green energy policies. Including the addition of adding recycled rubber in our bitumen resealing programs;
● Wherever possible, we will endeavour to include energy saving methods into our day to day operations;
● Upgrade of the museum and Visitor Information Centre, with the addition of a new cinema. Movies are a place where all ages benefit, from young families, adults, youth and middle age. Being able to offer this service in Benalla and keeping families and people in Benalla is very important;
● With Benalla’s increase in growth we need to take advantage of all business opportunities;
● We need to be a "can-do" council;
● Drainage will be the biggest issue that Benalla will be faced with. With the growth of subdivisions in the north, south, east and west of the CBD, council needs take action immediately in obtaining state and federal government funding for this to be implemented. It will quickly become a detriment to the town if this is not implemented.
However, governments are reluctant to freely supply funding to these types of projects, as they are expensive and are often “unseen”.
As I mentioned before our landfill has been an issue.
This needs to be highlighted and we need to continue to work on the improvements that are needed.
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Do you have anything else to add?
Benalla is a town of vision.
Previous councils and community members have made this town a special place.
They had the vision for the development of projects that include Lake Benalla, the art gallery, and the Botanic Gardens just to mention a few.
We need to keep this vision alive for our future generations.
I would like to acknowledge councillor Barb Alexandra for her tireless work during her years in council.
Also, Scott Upston, for his dedication to the community and council during his term.
If re-elected my first priority will be to support and encourage the new councillors that have not previously been elected in their new role.
As a business owner in Benalla for many years I talk and listen everyday to a wide variety of people.
I value what they have to say and they always know that I am willing to offer my support and advice to improve the Rural City Of Benalla that I live in and value.
I would like to thank all who have supported me in my endeavours in council and hope you continue to support me. Vote 1 Peter Davis.
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