State Member for Euroa Steph Ryan is calling on the Victorian Government to implement consistent daily checks on V/Line services bound for the regions.“The premier must dedicate additional resources to conduct checks on all V/Line services into regional areas,” Ms Ryan said.
“More stringent checking of passengers on V/Line services coming from Melbourne is required.
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“It appears only very limited effort is being applied to querying metropolitan passengers coming to country areas.“From what we are advised, the checking of V/Line passengers is described as sporadic at best, with very few taking place.”Stay at Home Directions are in place to restrict the movement of people and the spread of coronavirus.
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“Residents continue to be rightfully concerned about infection rates and public transport remains a concern for regular commuters, and people who require the service to access medical appointments,” Ms Ryan said.“For many residents who need to undertake essential travel, V/Line is their only transport option, their health and safety should be a priority and not neglected.“Daniel Andrews must strengthen metropolitan border controls to prevent the spread of coronavirus, more people out of work and more businesses closing.
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“The hotel quarantine debacle has been a monumental failure of the (state) government and it is having a devastating impact on our state’s economy.“We can’t afford any more . . . failures in containing COVID-19.”
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