The designs were on display for a period of six weeks, with all feedback now being reviewed to progress the concepts to the next stage.
Mayor Chris Bilkey said while the majority of feedback supported the draft designs, there were some constructive points raised for consideration.
“Parking and traffic flow was a point of interest in some of the feedback, with respondents concerned that there will be a reduction in parking numbers directly along the main street,” Cr Bilkey said.
“Another point raised was the number of pedestrian crossings mapped out in the current designs, with feedback suggesting that we could reduce the number of crossings to ensure traffic is not excessively restricted.
“There were lots of useful comments provided, so we are very grateful that the community took an interest in the project and had their say.”
Cr Bilkey said the project team would now review all the feedback and look to where alterations could be made, and noted most of the feedback supported the plans to transform the space into a more pedestrian-and-cyclist-friendly avenue.
“A big number of respondents were supportive of the future vision to improve safety, accessibility and the visual appearance of the area,” he said.
“The proposed streetscape planning in particular was a big hit, with lots of support for investment in infrastructure, parks and open spaces.”
Following this consultation period, the Meninya Street Advisory Committee is meeting to review the feedback and identify any required changes to the designs.
These alterations will then be reflected in updated design outputs including a three-dimensional fly-through video which will be made available to the public for additional review and feedback in the coming months.
Council will also be addressing particular questions raised during the feedback period via a frequently asked questions (FAQ) section on the Meninya Street Precinct Project page at