Rising: Major flooding at Benalla Showgrounds on Friday.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
As floods ravaged Victoria’s north-east during the weekend, sports grounds and facilities succumbed to destructive floodwaters across Benalla.
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After torrential rainfall, sporting associations made the decision to cancel play early last week, including Wangaratta and District Cricket Association, Country Basketball League North East and a number of district golf, basketball and bowls competitions.
But as sport itself took a back seat, a number of players, officials, volunteers and supporters rallied together to assist with major clean-up efforts in recent days.
On the greens of the Benalla Bowls Club, in the clubrooms of the All Blacks and at the Saints’ home at the showgrounds, community efforts have been underway to help restore the grounds to their previous conditions.
At the time of writing, the Benalla Indoor Recreation Centre remains closed, pending a council inspection of its safety before users are allowed back in.
These are problems faced by the wider sporting community.
Shepparton’s Deakin Reserve was converted into an emergency relief centre on Monday, and shows of community togetherness were seen at Princess Park, home of Shepparton Swans and Shepparton United Cricket Club, where many hands helped in protecting equipment and facilities from the oncoming floods.
There’s a long road ahead, but the spirit shown across the Goulburn Valley in recent days has illustrated the willingness the sporting community has to roll up its sleeves and help out where needed.
Grim picture: Benalla Showgrounds covered in water, with the Saints’ clubrooms in the distance.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Full: The greens at Benalla Bowls Club completely covered with water.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
No way through: Flooding at an entrance to Benalla Shwogrounds.
Photo by
Simon Ruppert
Submerged: Benalla Showgrounds was filled with water after flooding on the weekend.
Photo by
Issie Hill
Damp: Equipment left to dry from the Benalla Saints’ clubrooms. Photo: supplied
Many hands make light work: All Blacks members help clean facilities. Photo: Garry Jones
Destructuve: The fence Friendlies Oval destroyed due to flooding. Photo: Garry Jones